miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


A. Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario.
Understanding Conflict in Project Management
Conflict in project management is inevitable. The potential for conflict in information systems development projects is usually high because it involves individuals from different backgrounds and orientations working together to complete a complex task. The cause of conflict in team projects can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations, perceptions, resources, and personalities. Proper skills in dealing with conflict can assist project managers and other organization members to handle and effectively resolve conflicts which can lead to a more productive organization as a whole.
Conflict is a situation of competition in which the parties are aware of the incompatibility of potential future position sand in which each party wishes to occupy a position which is incompatible with the wishes of the other.  Conflict is viewed as a cycle: As with any social process, there are causes; also, there is a core process, which has results or effects.
 These effects feed back to effect the causes."  To understand conflict further, the situation must include elements of interdependence, emotions, perceptions, and behaviors.  For example, conflict occurs between parties whose tasks are interdependent, who are angry with each other, who perceive the other party as being at fault, and whose actions cause a business problem. Conflict can be constructive and healthy for an organization. It can aid in developing individuals and improving the organization by building on the individual assets of its members.  Conflict can bring about underlying issues. It can force people to confront possible defects in a solution and choose a better one. The understanding of real interests, goals and needs is enhanced and ongoing communication around those issues is induced. In addition, it can prevent premature and inappropriate resolution of conflict. Constructive conflict occurs when people change and grow personally from the conflict, involvement of the individuals affected by the conflict is increased, cohesiveness is formed among team members, and a solution to the problem is found.  However, if conflict is not managed properly, it can be detrimental to an organization by threatening organizational unity, business partnerships, team relationships, and interpersonal connections.  Deconstructive conflict occurs when a decision has not been found and the problem remains, energy is taken away from more important activities or issues, morale of teams or individuals is destroyed, and groups of people or teams are polarized.

·         High: adj. Alto, elevado, mayor
·         Between: prep. Entre
·         Healthy: adj.  Saludable, sano
En la gestión de proyectos es inevitable que surjan conflictos entre los integrantes del equipo de trabajo. Estos conflictos se originan por oposición de ideas, interés, decisiones mal tomadas.  Se relaciona además por las diferencias entre valores, actitudes, habilidades, culturas, expectativas, personalidades.  Hasta cierto punto se debe entender que los conflictos  pueden ser saludables en una organización, ya que puede ayudar a desarrollar a las personas, y hacer que estas hagan frente a la solución de un problema  y dar una opción mejor a la hora de tomar decisiones, además ayuda a la entender los intereses, objetivos, necesidades, y mejorando la comunicación de la organización. Por lo tanto es importante poseer habilidades para resolver los conflictos con la finalidad de hacer más productiva una organización. 

·         Palabras de contenido: Management, potential
  • Palabras de Función: of, to
  • Verbos: grow, are
  • Adverbio: usually, effectively, personally, properly
  • Adjetivo: diferent, healthy
  • Artículo: the, a
  • Preposiciones: between, of,
  • Conjunción: and
  • Cognados verdaderos: project,  conflict, information, systems, attitudes
  • cognados Falsos: must, involvement
  • Sufijo: incompatibility, properly
  • Prefijos: interdependent

B. Estructura de la oración: (2 ejemplos)
ü  Constructive conflict occurs when people change and grow personally from the conflict.
Frase nominal
Constructive conflict
  1. Núcleo de la frase nominal
  1. Pre  modificadores
Frase verbal
occurs when people change and grow personally from the conflict
  1. Núcleo de la frase verbal
2.       Tiempo verbal
Presente simple

ü  Deconstructive conflict occurs when a decision has not been found and the problem remains, energy is taken away from more important activities or issues, morale of teams or individuals is destroyed, and groups of people or teams are polarized.
Frase nominal
Deconstructive conflict
1.       Núcleo de la frase nominal
2.       Pre  modificadores
Frase verbal
occurs when a decision has not been found and the problem remains, energy is taken away from more important activities or issues, morale of teams or individuals is destroyed, and groups of people or teams are polarized.
1.       Núcleo de la frase verbal
2.       Tiempo verbal
Presente simple
The cause of conflict in team projects can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations, perceptions, resources, and personalities.

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