Intuition can make you a much more effective decision maker, especially when you deal with non-standard situations or in expedient decision making. Yet, before you put more weight on intuitive choices, there are a few important points you need to keep in mind.
What is intuition?
First, what do we mean by intuition in the context of decision-making? While different definitions emphasize different aspects, there are three key features that characterize the intuitive mode of thinking.
The process is dominated by your subconscious mind, even if you use your conscious mind to formulate or rationalize the final results.
The information is processed in parallel rather than sequentially. Instead of going through a logical sequence of thoughts one by one, you see the situation more as a whole, with different fragments emerging in parallel. You are more connected with your emotions. For example, it may occur to you that an option you consider does not feel right, even though there is no clear logic to prove that.
How to use intuition effectively
The first important thing to keep in mind is that even when you rely on intuition it is still very important to do your homework. The intuition will help you navigate faster through much of unstructured data and can work around certain gaps and conflicts in the available information. Yet, even intuition can be misled if too many of your facts are wrong or missing.
Pay attention to your emotional state. If you are stressed or in a bad mood, your true inner voice will be distorted or lost in the background of your strong negative feelings. A similar effect may happen with strong positive feelings. If you want to hear your inner voice, get over the background of your strong feelings. Feel them through or let them go. Take a walk. Do something refreshing. Say your prayers. Forgive and accept. Sigh. Unclutter your mind.
Finally, you can greatly increase the quality of your intuitive decisions if you include certain elements of the analytical approach. In particular, try to follow the procedure of the rational analysis first. As much as you can, capture on paper the ideas on the main options and the criteria for evaluating your choices. Write down the key facts and factors you need to keep in mind.
Following this procedure is an effective way to feed your subconscious mind with all the relevant data it needs. You will help yourself even more if you put all those notes together on paper as a mind map. By having all the important points written in one place you will also unclutter your mind. At that stage you are much more ready to listen to your inner voice.
La intuición en la toma de decisiones es de importancia, ya que está dominado por su mente subconsciente, incluso si usted usa su mente consciente a formular o racionalizar los resultados finales. Las personas están más conectadas a con sus emociones, alimentar a su mente subconsciente con todos los datos pertinentes que necesita, para obtener ser eficaces a la hora de tomar una decisión.
1. The first important thing to keep in mind is that even when you rely on intuition it is still very important to do your homework.
Núcleo de la Frase Nominal: thing
Pre-modificadores: the first important
Post-modificadores: to
Frase Verbal: in mind is that even when you rely on intuition it is still very important to do your homework.
Núcleo: keep
Tiempo de la Oración: presente simple
2. Following this procedure is an effective way to feed your subconscious mind with all the relevant data it needs.
Frase Nominal: procedure
Pre-modificadores: following this
Post-modificadores: ---
Frase Verbal: an effective way to feed your subconscious mind with all the relevant data it needs.
Núcleo: is
Tiempo de la Oración: presente
Pronombres Demostrativos: it,
Conectores: to, in, and, of
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