miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011


A. Categorías lexicales y uso del diccionario.
Understanding Conflict in Project Management
Conflict in project management is inevitable. The potential for conflict in information systems development projects is usually high because it involves individuals from different backgrounds and orientations working together to complete a complex task. The cause of conflict in team projects can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations, perceptions, resources, and personalities. Proper skills in dealing with conflict can assist project managers and other organization members to handle and effectively resolve conflicts which can lead to a more productive organization as a whole.
Conflict is a situation of competition in which the parties are aware of the incompatibility of potential future position sand in which each party wishes to occupy a position which is incompatible with the wishes of the other.  Conflict is viewed as a cycle: As with any social process, there are causes; also, there is a core process, which has results or effects.
 These effects feed back to effect the causes."  To understand conflict further, the situation must include elements of interdependence, emotions, perceptions, and behaviors.  For example, conflict occurs between parties whose tasks are interdependent, who are angry with each other, who perceive the other party as being at fault, and whose actions cause a business problem. Conflict can be constructive and healthy for an organization. It can aid in developing individuals and improving the organization by building on the individual assets of its members.  Conflict can bring about underlying issues. It can force people to confront possible defects in a solution and choose a better one. The understanding of real interests, goals and needs is enhanced and ongoing communication around those issues is induced. In addition, it can prevent premature and inappropriate resolution of conflict. Constructive conflict occurs when people change and grow personally from the conflict, involvement of the individuals affected by the conflict is increased, cohesiveness is formed among team members, and a solution to the problem is found.  However, if conflict is not managed properly, it can be detrimental to an organization by threatening organizational unity, business partnerships, team relationships, and interpersonal connections.  Deconstructive conflict occurs when a decision has not been found and the problem remains, energy is taken away from more important activities or issues, morale of teams or individuals is destroyed, and groups of people or teams are polarized.

·         High: adj. Alto, elevado, mayor
·         Between: prep. Entre
·         Healthy: adj.  Saludable, sano
En la gestión de proyectos es inevitable que surjan conflictos entre los integrantes del equipo de trabajo. Estos conflictos se originan por oposición de ideas, interés, decisiones mal tomadas.  Se relaciona además por las diferencias entre valores, actitudes, habilidades, culturas, expectativas, personalidades.  Hasta cierto punto se debe entender que los conflictos  pueden ser saludables en una organización, ya que puede ayudar a desarrollar a las personas, y hacer que estas hagan frente a la solución de un problema  y dar una opción mejor a la hora de tomar decisiones, además ayuda a la entender los intereses, objetivos, necesidades, y mejorando la comunicación de la organización. Por lo tanto es importante poseer habilidades para resolver los conflictos con la finalidad de hacer más productiva una organización. 

·         Palabras de contenido: Management, potential
  • Palabras de Función: of, to
  • Verbos: grow, are
  • Adverbio: usually, effectively, personally, properly
  • Adjetivo: diferent, healthy
  • Artículo: the, a
  • Preposiciones: between, of,
  • Conjunción: and
  • Cognados verdaderos: project,  conflict, information, systems, attitudes
  • cognados Falsos: must, involvement
  • Sufijo: incompatibility, properly
  • Prefijos: interdependent

B. Estructura de la oración: (2 ejemplos)
ü  Constructive conflict occurs when people change and grow personally from the conflict.
Frase nominal
Constructive conflict
  1. Núcleo de la frase nominal
  1. Pre  modificadores
Frase verbal
occurs when people change and grow personally from the conflict
  1. Núcleo de la frase verbal
2.       Tiempo verbal
Presente simple

ü  Deconstructive conflict occurs when a decision has not been found and the problem remains, energy is taken away from more important activities or issues, morale of teams or individuals is destroyed, and groups of people or teams are polarized.
Frase nominal
Deconstructive conflict
1.       Núcleo de la frase nominal
2.       Pre  modificadores
Frase verbal
occurs when a decision has not been found and the problem remains, energy is taken away from more important activities or issues, morale of teams or individuals is destroyed, and groups of people or teams are polarized.
1.       Núcleo de la frase verbal
2.       Tiempo verbal
Presente simple
The cause of conflict in team projects can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations, perceptions, resources, and personalities.


Intuition  can make you a much more effective decision maker, especially when you deal with non-standard situations or in expedient decision making. Yet, before you put more weight on intuitive choices, there are a few important points you need to keep in mind.

What is intuition?
First, what do we mean by intuition in the context of decision-making? While different definitions emphasize different aspects, there are three key features that characterize the intuitive mode of thinking.

The process is dominated by your subconscious mind, even if you use your conscious mind to formulate or rationalize the final results.

The information is processed in parallel rather than sequentially. Instead of going through a logical sequence of thoughts one by one, you see the situation more as a whole, with different fragments emerging in parallel. You are more connected with your emotions. For example, it may occur to you that an option you consider does not feel right, even though there is no clear logic to prove that.

How to use intuition effectively
The first important thing to keep in mind is that even when you rely on intuition it is still very important to do your homework. The intuition will help you navigate faster through much of unstructured data and can work around certain gaps and conflicts in the available information. Yet, even intuition can be misled if too many of your facts are wrong or missing.

Pay attention to your emotional state. If you are stressed or in a bad mood, your true inner voice will be distorted or lost in the background of your strong negative feelings. A similar effect may happen with strong positive feelings. If you want to hear your inner voice, get over the background of your strong feelings. Feel them through or let them go. Take a walk. Do something refreshing. Say your prayers. Forgive and accept. Sigh. Unclutter your mind.
Finally, you can greatly increase the quality of your intuitive decisions if you include certain elements of the analytical approach. In particular, try to follow the procedure of the rational analysis first. As much as you can, capture on paper the ideas on the main options and the criteria for evaluating your choices. Write down the key facts and factors you need to keep in mind.
Following this procedure is an effective way to feed your subconscious mind with all the relevant data it needs. You will help yourself even more if you put all those notes together on paper as a mind map. By having all the important points written in one place you will also unclutter your mind. At that stage you are much more ready to listen to your inner voice.

La  intuición  en  la  toma  de  decisiones es  de  importancia,   ya  que  está dominado por su mente subconsciente, incluso si usted usa su mente consciente a formular o racionalizar los resultados finales.  Las personas  están  más  conectadas  a  con  sus  emociones,   alimentar a su mente subconsciente con todos los datos pertinentes que necesita, para  obtener  ser  eficaces  a  la  hora  de  tomar  una  decisión.

1. The first important thing to keep in mind is that even when you rely on intuition it is still very important to do your homework.
Núcleo de la Frase Nominal: thing
Pre-modificadores: the first important
Post-modificadores: to
Frase  Verbal: in mind is that even when you rely on intuition it is still very important to do your homework.
Núcleo:   keep
Tiempo  de  la  Oración: presente  simple

2.  Following this procedure is an effective way to feed your subconscious mind with all the relevant data it needs.
Frase  Nominal: procedure
Pre-modificadores: following  this
Post-modificadores:   ---

Frase  Verbal: an effective way to feed your subconscious mind with all the relevant data it needs.
Núcleo: is
Tiempo  de  la  Oración: presente

Pronombres  Demostrativos: it, 
Conectores: to, in, and,  of  


El  diccionario  tiene  su importancia  en  la  traducción  de  los  significados, es una herramienta básica  en la  lectura de textos, artículos,  investigaciones  científicas,   en  cualquier nivel de educación.  Se utiliza para conocer el uso de la palabra y su ortografía, así como su función gramatical.
Esta unidad  muestra el  uso del  diccionario  bilingüe  de  manera correcta. 


While project management skills are obviously important for project managers, interestingly the methods and tools that project managers use can be help ful for everyone. A 'task' does not necessarily have to be called a 'project' in order for project management methods to be very useful in its planning and implementation. Even the smallest task can benefit from the use of a well-chosen project management technique or tool, especially in the planning stage. Any task that requires some preparation to achieve a tools can therefore be useful far more widely than people assume.

Project management techniques and project planning tools are useful for any tasks in which different outcomes are possible - where risks of problems and failures exist - and so require planning and assessing options, and organizing activities and resources to deliver a successful result. Projects can be various shapes and sizes, from the small and straightforward to extremely large and highly complex. In organizations and businesses, project management can be concerned with anything, particularly introducing or changing things, in any area or function, for example:
Here are rules, processes and tools for project planning and project management.
  • people, staffing and management
  • products and services
  • materials, manufacturing and production
IT and communications
  • plant, vehicles, equipment
  • storage, distribution, logistics
  • buildings and premises
  • finance, administration, acquisition and divestment
  • purchasing
  • sales, selling, marketing
  • human resources development and training
  • customer service and relations
  • quality, health and safety,
  • legal and professional
  • technical, scientific, research and development
  • new business development
  • and anything else which needs planning and managing within organizations.

Successful project management, for projects large or small, tends to follow the process outlined below. The same principles, used selectively and appropriately, also apply to smaller tasks. Project management techniques are not just for project manag
Palabras  claves:
Chiefly: Principiante
Smallest: Más pequeño
Achieve: Lograr 
Divestment: Desinversión 
Outcomes: Resultados
Failures: Fallas 

Palabras Lexicales
Verbos: be, can, have,  use
Adverbios: obviosly, interestingly,  necessarily,  especially, probably
Adjetivos: successful, better
Sustantivos: project
Preposición: end, for, in, from, by,of
Demostrativo: that,
Prefijo: unrelated         
Sufijo: management,  implemetation, preparation,  organization
Cognado  Verdadero: activities,  methods, Project,  human,  services
Cognado Falso: people,   development,  business

Gestión  de Proyectos
Mientras que las habilidades de gestión de proyectos son obviamente importantes para los gestores del proyecto, curiosamente los métodos y herramientas que utilizan los jefes de proyecto pueden ayudar útil para todos. Una "tarea" no necesariamente tiene que ser llamado un proyecto a fin de que los métodos de gestión de proyectos a ser muy útil en su planificación y ejecución. Incluso la más pequeña tarea puede beneficiarse de la utilización de una técnica de gestión de proyectos bien elegido o una herramienta, especialmente en la etapa de planificación. Cualquier tarea que requiere cierta preparación para lograr una herramientas pueden ser útiles mucho más amplia que la gente supone.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Bienvenidos a mi Blog

Hola a todos soy Isgleidys Amaya  Ingeniera de Petróleo participante del  1er Semestre del Postgrado Gerencia de Proyectos Industriales que se dicta en URBE. Soy Gerente de Licitaciones y Contratos  desde hace 2 años de la Empresa Servicios Técnicos Jer, C.A.,  ubicada en la ciudad de Cabimas Estado Zulia.  Este blog servirá para compartir vivencias como participante de la maestria, especialmente la materia Ingles Instrumental. Las expectativas que tengo es sobre este curso es aprender a utilizar esta gran herramienta (nueva para mi)...pero como siempre digo "de todo se debe aprender y sacar lo mejor", a lo mejor algún día plasme otro tipo de experiencias en este sitio.